With AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning), it is no longer surprising to see the impact they are having on our daily lives. This year alone, we’ve seen advancements in self-driving cars, casino joka casino en ligne, smart speakers, mobile payments, and voice recognition.
We already have Siri and Alexa listening to us, but Google Assistant has now joined the fray, and its voice recognition capabilities are improving at a faster pace. As technology advances, we’ll continue to see new devices emerge such as virtual reality headsets, contact lenses, wearable fitness trackers, and even brain-computer interfaces.
By 2025, we expect to see AI technology permeate nearly every aspect of life. By then, it will be possible to speak simply to order items or access information, and some experts estimate that 3D printers capable of printing out fully functional organs will become commonplace. There will also be further developments in robotics, augmented reality, and quantum computing.
Below are some of the top tech trends that you can expect to come in 2023.
Top Tech Trends to Expect in 2023
1. 5G Network
The next generation of wireless networks is expected to be 5G. It’s been a long time coming, but with trials being performed across Europe and Asia, the first commercial service could arrive by 2020. What makes 5G so different? Unlike 4G, which uses radio signals to send data from one point to another, 5G will use laser beams instead of radio waves.
The key benefit is much faster speeds for sending large amounts of data between devices. So what does this mean for your home? We’re likely to see more affordable Smart TVs equipped with built-in 5G modems. These TVs will make it easy to connect to the Internet wirelessly without the need for cables.
2. Self-Driving Cars
In 2019, GM revealed plans to bring autonomous vehicles to market within five years. Today, major car companies like Ford and Uber are investing millions into developing their self-driving systems.
That said, we may not see them on the road for several more years due to regulatory hurdles, the high cost of development, and the fact that most people don’t trust their judgment when it comes to driving. But once they do hit the streets, we predict these cars will revolutionize transportation.
Thanks to new technologies like LIDAR (light detection and ranging), radar, and cameras, drivers won’t have to pay attention while behind the wheel anymore. Instead, they can focus on other things – maybe catching up on work, checking Facebook messages, playing mobile casino games, etc.
3. Virtual Reality Headsets
Virtual Reality headsets seem to be everywhere right now. And why wouldn’t they be? They offer an immersive experience unlike anything before. With just a headset and a smartphone, users can immerse themselves in a digital world, engage in virtual meetings, play video games, view 360 videos, and watch movie trailers. While gaming was initially the primary application, virtual reality applications are expanding rapidly thanks to improvements in graphics, sensors, and processing power.
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