Without using protection, all of us are exposed to all kinds of sexual diseases. That’s why it is crucial to pay extreme attention with whom and how we enter into sexual activity. Nevertheless, things happen in the heat of the moment. A lot of women and men can get exposed to an STD at some point in their life. We know that STDs are often a taboo theme to talk about, and many individuals are afraid to ask for help. But at the same time, they risk damaging their reproductive parts by staying silent.
Chlamydia stands as one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis is the one who causes it. Unfortunately, it affects both men and women. If you’re experiencing specific symptoms, a good idea is to try out a test kit just to be absolutely positive whether you have it or not. Check this link for more information on the subject: http://testkitschlamydia.com/
Pay attention to the symptoms.
Whether by some misfortune you have the disease, its symptoms won’t usually start to appear at the same second you get it. It will take several weeks after you get the infection for them to show up. These symptoms can appear both in men and women. Some of them include a burning and painful sensation while peeing, unpleasant and robust pain during intercourse, and pain the lower abdomen.
Women especially need to pay close attention for an abnormal vaginal discharge which is usually yellow combined with a strong smell. Another sign they needn’t neglect is irregular bleeding between periods. On the other hand, for men, it’s usually detected by having a milky discharge from the penis or even swollen testicles.
In case you don’t experience the symptoms, it’s advisable to take these kinds of tests once every year just to make sure that you’re altogether clean from any sort of disease. The below-mentioned types of kits are approved by tons of medical organizations and government health departments. Their usage has been rapidly growing in hospitals and clinics around the world. There are two types of test kits for you could try:
A home STD test kit
Maybe you don’t want to go through examinations at the doctor’s office. Or, merely feel embarrassed to check your symptoms in a hospital, then you can try a home STD test. The instructions are quite simple, and the results can appear in just a few seconds. This type of Chlamydia test can be done in the privacy of your home where you’ll feel relaxed and less anxious.
Furthermore, it comes with all the materials and accessories you’ll need, to perform the test. Take time to read the instruction manual carefully because it will tell you how to collect your physical specimen. Home STD kits usually require from the users to collect biological samples like saliva, urine, and blood. Another thing that you may need to do is to take a swab of your genital area or your rectal area. A test kit like this demands from the subject to use their urine or a scrubbed sample in order to do the testing. The instruction will follow that you place the specimen in the testing medium. This, alongside the chemicals in the device’s coated sheath, will cause a reaction. Through an indicator what works based on colors, the kit will provide visible results within minutes.
If the specimen is high in Chlamydia trachoma, then the result is positive. If the levels of the antigen are below the breaking point, then the result will appear negative. These types of home kits are frequently accurate, and you won’t have to be troubled about their validity. Moreover, they don’t cost much either. A regular home STD test kit can cost between 30$ to 50$, but when it comes to health nothing is expensive.
A lab test home kit.
The other type of STD test kit delivers your biological specimen to a certified lab where they make the testing. Different websites sell them, so you can easily order one, and it will be brought to you. In addition to the previous one, this one comes with everything that you will require to get your results as well.
First, the collected sample is transferred to a lab. After receiving the specimen, it will only take a couple of days before the lab declares the final results. You will get the results via email, or you can check them online on the on the lab’s website. Don’t worry about your personal data being exposed publically.
Each lab kit arrives with a one of a kind ID number. The sample each patient sends is correlated to the primary ID number of the test kit, so automatically your name and your address will remain unknown. This number will serve you to check your results on the lab’s web page anytime you desire. Lab test kits such as MyLAB Box gonorrhea and chlamydia test kit cover two areas of detecting an infection. It’s like killing two flies with one slap. As we can see from the name, it suggests that you can screen for chlamydia and gonorrhea at the same time. This will save you money from ordering different kinds of kits for separate infections.
Sexually active individuals are more prone to catch the disease, but this doesn’t mean that the less sexually active people can’t get it. Pregnant women must be tested for symptoms during their first prenatal visits. If they have it and continue carrying it until the delivery, they run the risk of transmitting it to their baby during childbirth.
It is of vital importance to catch the infection early on so that immediate treatment will be provided. If not treated right away, chlamydia can enter an advanced phase which later on can be very difficult to eliminate. You could be facing medical problems that can no further be cured by conventional medications. They don’t take much of your time, and the instructions they come with are straightforward and clear. If nothing else, it is the safest and easiest way to keep track of your sexual health.
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