The price of gas is still rising and trying to save money when driving is something that many of us worry about. So why not start looking into ways to do exactly that without changing too many habits? Thanks to some proven tips, you can save money on your gas and still enjoy driving on a daily basis. If your monthly gas bill has recently been a concern, please read this short article and we’ll soon have you saving money where it counts.
Heavy foot
Although it may seem a little obvious, plenty of us tend to drive with a heavy foot and that doesn’t help with our fuel economy. Pressing heavily down on the gas pedal is going to equate to high fuel bills and is usually avoidable. Always look at the rpm counter and try to ensure that you stay below 2500 rpm at all times. Okay, it may be unavoidable when you need to overtake but most of the time, those low revs will be just fine. If you spend around 5 seconds or less pressing hard on the accelerator whilst overtaking, your fuel bills will start to drop rather nicely.
Be alert
By paying proper attention to the road ahead, it is possible to keep your car at a regular speed. By slowing down and speeding up constantly, your car will be using more fuel than is necessary. So the next time you are driving your Audi a3 to and from work, keep an eye out for any roadworks or obstructions ahead and try to adjust your speed accordingly. By avoiding any sudden braking or accelerating your car will continue using fuel in an economical fashion.
Okay, there may be occasions when it is inevitable for you to slam on the brakes as hard as possible. But apart from those emergency situations, you could save serious fuel money by being more attentive to your surroundings. This habit will not only increase your fuel outlay but will also shorten the lifespan of both your brakes and tyres into the bargain.
Speed matters
Some of prefer driving fast cars, just look at the Car classifieds for proof of how popular certain models seem to be. But that doesn’t really make sense from an economical point of view. The best speed for fuel economy is a steady 56 mph but this isn’t always possible depending on the speed limits. Try and stay below them but by driving at a steady speed you will save money and will also have a better grasp of control of your vehicle. You will also avoid those nasty speeding tickets that can cost both money in fines and insurance premiums. Driving slower is also proven to be safer as your braking distance is dramatically decreased for those times when an unexpected hazard appears in the road ahead.
So, there you have it, 4 proven ways to help you save money whilst still enjoying that daily drive.
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