More than 300 million self-published books are sold each year. It’s never been a better time to try your hand at creating one yourself!
But if you want your book to have an impact, you’ll need to make it appealing to read and draw people in through the attractiveness of your book jacket. But how can you do this to help launch your self-published book to success?
You don’t have to be an expert in design to get the job done. Let’s look at how to create the perfect book jacket covers for your self-published book!
Find Your Audience
Before starting to create your book covers, you need to know who you want to read your book. Understanding your target market based on who is interested in your genre and what appeals to them is crucial.
For example, the target market for a romance novel in comparison to a horror novel is likely to be very different. In that case, your book covers would look very different from one another.
With the right style for your audience in mind, you’re on your way to creating an impactful book cover.
Draft It
With a style in mind, it’s time to make a draft of your book jacket. You can do this in any way that you want.
Using a pencil and paper, you can draw out your vision, or a few different ideas and work from there.
You can find inspiration for your book jacket by looking at other self-published books of your genre. You’re sure to find some great inspiration.
Search for Photos
To have an effective book jacket, you’ll want to have appealing photos on the cover. They should intrigue the reader and make them want to learn more about your book.
Editing the photos is also a great idea. For example, if you like the subject in one photo but want a different background behind them, you may use a background remover app.
Choosing the right photos can make or break your book cover.
Choose a Font
Just like pictures, fonts convey a message as well. Your font can be a big contributor to the theme of your book. Choosing the right one can make or break your cover.
For a serious book, you might go for a sans serif font that is thick and powerful. For a fun romantic comedy, you might choose something light-hearted and fun.
Put It Together
Now, all that’s left to do is put everything together! You’re sure to have a wonderful book cover that says a lot about your book and entices people to buy it.
Don’t forget to get the opinions of those close to you. They might have valuable feedback to share!
Create Your Own Book Jacket Easily
Creating your own book jacket is fun and rewarding. It can help push your self-published book to new heights and generate more sales and fans.
Be sure to dedicate time and effort to your cover so that it is appealing and beautiful while staying true to your book.
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