Many people would like to read more than they actually do. Reading is proven to increase your vocabulary, encourage imagination, and above all, is downright entertaining. It’s certainly one of the better things that you can do for your brain when compared to modern mind-numbing activities like scrolling your phone or watching reality television.
Yet, finding time to read isn’t always easy. It can be difficult to set aside time in your busy schedule to read when it’s so easy to reach for your device or turn on the TV. Don’t fret, however. We’ve got you covered with some of the best tips for finding more time to read even if you feel like you don’t have the schedule for it.
Get Cozy
The human mind associates comfort with pleasure. So, if you can manage to create a cozy reading environment for yourself, then it’s more likely that you’ll be inspired to keep up with it. If you try and read in a place that doesn’t have air conditioning or lacks a comfortable place to sit, then it’s no wonder why you don’t want to read. Create a cocoon-like reading nook that inspires opening a book and you’ll be surprised at how motivated you are to read!
Read Before Bed
Most people who say they don’t have the time for reading somehow do have the time for scrolling their phone before bed. Yes, we’re talking to you. Often it’s as simple as replacing your habit of scrolling your phone with reading a few pages of a book instead. The time right before you sleep is a fantastic time to read some of your book instead of over stimulating your brain with senseless TikTok videos. It’s all a matter of replacing one thing for another in your nighttime routine.
Don’t Forget Audiobooks
All too often, people assume that reading the traditional way is the only way to read a book. The truth is that audiobooks do just as much good for your brain. If you have a commute every day, consider listening to audiobooks. Even though you might prefer the actual act of reading a physical book, audiobooks can be just as pleasurable if you manage to read the right ones.
The best part is that you can listen to them beyond just your commute. You can listen while you’re cooking, taking a bath, or even getting ready in the morning. There is no rule to when you can listen to a story.
Join a Book Club
One of the best ways to inspire yourself to start reading more is to join a book club with like-minded readers. Inspiring each other to read and catch up on where you’re at in the book is a fantastic way to motivate yourself to continue reading.
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