Romance novelist Lorraine Heath’s biography begins, “Lorraine Heath has always had a soft spot for emotional love stories.” This, of course, is clear in her novels, ripe with romance themselves. No Lorraine Heath booklist would be complete without favorites like the “Texas Trilogy” and “Scoundrels of St. James” series.
At Gently Loved Books, you can fill your shelf with her entire body of work while on a budget, so be sure to put those savings towards setting the scene. Head to the liquor store and pick up your alcoholic beverages of choice (we recommend a white or red wine for the most aesthetically pleasing option). Fill the bathtub with your favorite scents and settle in with bubbles, a book, and a glass to escape into a world of yearnings and declarations of love.
Waiting for your order to arrive? Enjoy a dose of Heath’s work and get a taste of what awaits you with these romantic quotes from some of her best romance novels.
From “Texas Glory”
“You don’t need me. There are a dozen eligible women in Leighton who would happily give you a son and within the month there will be at least a dozen more—”
“I’ll never love any of them as much as I love you. I know that as surely as I know the sun will come up in the morning.”
From “Just Wicked Enough”
“Love isn’t found in words, Kate. It’s found in quiet moments, a look, a sigh, a smile, a gladness.”
From “Texas Destiny”
“I’m not a brave man; I’ll never be a hero, but I love you more than life itself, and I will until the day I die. With you by my side, I’m a better man than I’ve ever been alone. I’m scared to death that I’ll let you down, but I won’t run this time. I’ll stand firm and face the challenge and work hard to see that you never have any regrets. You told me once that you wanted to share a corner of my dream. Without you, Amelia, I have no dream. With you, I have everything I could ever dream of wanting.”
From “Between the Devil and Desire”
“I love you, Jack Dodger. I love you with all my heart and soul. If I must live with you without benefit of marriage, so be it. I shall do it with no regrets and with an amazing amount of pride that you’ve chosen me to stand at your side. And when I go to hell, I shall gladly dance with you.”
From “Texas Splendor”
“Don’t stop loving me, Loree. You want me to learn what those little black bugs on those pieces of paper mean, I’ll learn. You want me to play the violin from dawn until dusk, hell, I’ll play till midnight, just don’t stop loving me.”
She flung her arms around his neck and felt his arms come around her back, the violin tapping against her backside. “Oh, Austin, I couldn’t stop loving you if I wanted.”
From “Surrender to the Devil”
“Because I would very much like to kiss you, Miss Darling, and unlike you, I’m not in the habit of taking what rightfully belongs to someone else.”
From “Texas Glory”
“A hundred years from now, everything I’ve worked so hard to build will be nothing more than dust blowing in the wind, but if I can spend my life loving you, I’ll die a wealthy man, a contented man.”
From “Midnight Pleasures with a Scoundrel”
“No woman in his history could compare to her. No woman in his future could replace her. She was what he wanted now, this moment and the next, and the one that followed that, each one that led to the end of his life.”
From “Texas Destiny”
“He wrapped his hand around hers, pressed a kiss to the heart of her palm, and held her gaze. “I’ve got a one-room cabin, a few horses, and a dream that’s so small it won’t even cover your palm. But it sure seems a lot bigger when you’re beside me.”
From “Never Love a Cowboy”
“For whatever comfort this might bring you in the nights that follow, know this… when I thought death was a certainty, I chose a collection of memories that revolved around you to carry into the dark with me.”
Whatever sort of love story makes you swoon, chances are you’ll find it in Lorraine Heath’s oeuvre. Order your new favorite historical romance series, pour yourself a glass of white or red wine, and enjoy!
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